1 The Client

Our client is a startup based in Chicago, who wants to disrupt the dental insurance industry.

2 The Challenge

Traditional dental insurance does not work many times for dentist and patient. Many dental services are not covered in the dental insurance, at the same time, the dentist does not get it properly from insurance companies or doesn’t get the co-pay from the patient. Founder of Paydent wanted to change this by building a solution that can lower the dental care cost without going through the dental insurance. Our client came up with this.

3 The Solution

We build mobile app and admin application

Simpalm has team of top app developers in Chicago, they developed mobile app and admin application for Paydent. Paydent is a service that eases the way uninsured patients interact with dental care professionals. The platform brings Dentist and Patient together to lower the dental cost and deliver better dental care. The user interface for the patients and dental professionals run on web browsers which allows patients to establish an account with Paydent. The patient makes regular deposits to the account via credit card payments or ACH. Once the balance reaches a sufficient level, the application allows the patient to use the funds in the account for dental care with any participating dental professionals shown in the application.

Patient Experience:

Profile and Payment Wallet

  • Patients can create an account and manage their personal information within the Patient Portal.
  • Patients can enter payment information to add funds to their account, with options to enter a credit card or create an ACH account through Stripe.
  • Payments can be either one-time transactions or can be set up as part of a monthly subscription.

Finding a provider

  • Patients can search for Providers within a search location, and can view results in either a table or map view.
  • Patients can view the transaction and treatment histories associated with their account.

Provider Interface

Provider Profile Setup

  • Providers can create an account and have their credentials verified so they can use the app to manage the treatment process with their patients.
  • Providers can set up and manage an ACH account through Stripe to receive payments for completed treatments.

Patient Search

  • Providers can search for patients they have worked with using HIPAA compliant search methods.


  • Providers can view treatment history for a patient.
  • Providers can create a new treatment for a patient and add various procedures in a treatment.
  • Providers can see details of treatments that are in progress.

Admin Interface

Patient/Provider List

  • Admin can see a list of all the providers who have signed up.
  • Admin can see a list of all the patients who have signed up for Paydent.
  • Admin can see all the corresponding data for patient and provider.

Paying out to Dentists

  • A key feature of the admin interface, admin can verify that treatment was completed.
  • Once treatment is marked completed, admin can transfer the payments to the provider.

Update Patient Balance

  • Once Admin payout to a provider, Admin can update the balance for the patient.
  • Admin will deduct the amount from the Paydent Balance.


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