Simpalm has a expert team of mobile app developers in Virginia, and has designed several apps for its clients. Designing is an essential part of a mobile app. Designs of a mobile app make it stand out apart from its competitors. You will find several apps on the app stores that are delivering similar features and functions to their users. It becomes difficult for users to choose an app among them. In such a case, attractive design of a mobile app resolves their problem and makes it easier for the users. Based upon, we can say that the design of a mobile app creates the first impression on the users and also attract them towards the mobile app. If your mobile app design is engaging, then your mobile app can easily create a distinct image among users. Creating an appealing design for a mobile app is not an easy task. You have to follow the workflow for building attractive designs. It can be a time-consuming process, but the results will be overwhelming. When your app designs are good, then the drawbacks are barely noticeable and avoided by the users. On the other hand, things are vice versa with bad designs because the drawbacks in your app can be easily noticeable. Therefore, you should consider some essential things as provided.
1. Research
Research is the first and foremost step that you should conduct before you start to design your mobile app. Proper research on app designing will benefit your mobile app in several ways. You can easily identify the current trends of app designs in the market. For that, you have to investigate similar apps that are running successfully. You need to observe the changes that are carried out in the designs with time.
Through the detailed study, you will get an idea of the features, functions, fonts, color combinations that you have to enable in your app. Based on that, you should customize your app accordingly to make it more efficient and effective. The research will help you to identify the competitors of your mobile app. You can learn from their app and avoid those drawbacks in your mobile app. To identify the expectations of the users from similar functioned apps, you can conduct serves regarding your app. You will discover the features and functions the user wants to get enabled in a mobile app. Based on their feedback, you can customize your app designs and make it a user-centric design.
2. Consider your Users
The success of a mobile app depends upon the number of downloads and retention ratio of your app. Since we can say that users make a mobile app successful. You should identify whether your app users are business users or customer users. The users of a mobile app create an impact on the designs. To identify the users you can conduct serves regarding the utility of your mobile app. You should provide users with information regarding the core features and functions of your mobile app. Based on that, you can ask for their feedback that will help you to identify their interest in your mobile app. You can judge whether your app can resolve their problems that occur with other similar apps. The problem-solving nature of your app will create the demand for your app among users. This will result in an increase in the retention rate and app installation from the app store.
3. Prepare Wireframes
When you are designing a mobile app, you should proceed with creating a rough sketch on a piece of paper. This process will provide you with an overview of the performance of your mobile app. The wireframes will also act as evidence and specify that the app idea belongs to you. To prepare effective wireframes, you can use the designing tools. Some of them are available with a free trial version and you have to pay only when you start the designing process. If you have pre-designed wireframes, then you can paste them with the drag and drop facility.
Creating wireframes of your app design will help you to identify the drawbacks and limitations present in the user flow. Based on that, you can implement the necessary steps to overcome those drawbacks. Using these wireframes, you can present your app ideas in front of the project related person, such as app developer team, designer, project manager, investors, and other people. They will provide feedback on the app designs that will help you to customize your app designs. With the help of modification based on their feedback, you can improve the overall effectiveness of your mobile app. It is easy to make changes in the wireframes because it is not the end product.
4. Understand Decluttering
Designing a mobile app is all about filling the white space on the app screen. You should effectively utilize the space to provide the users with useful information. As the space available on the app screen is limited. Cutting down the unnecessary information from your app design can make it more attractive. The cluttering is treated as the biggest enemy and becomes the worst in a mobile app. This is because in a cluttered design the users are overloaded with information. The result of that users get frustrated with the unnecessary information and uninstalls the mobile app. Therefore, you should understand the importance of decluttering in app design. You should provide the users with the minimum content through your app designs. Enable the app designs with the minimum elements on the screens. The simple design seems more attractive than the complex. This is because the core features and functions of your mobile app can be easily discovered.
5. Enable designs with Familiar Screens
To keep your app designs consistent, you need to create a balance between the familiar screens and the information required in the operations. You should enable your mobile app with familiar screens. Familiar screens are those screens that are common in most of the apps. The users are used to such similar screens and they will easily connect with the core features and functions of your app. For example, the newsfeed is a very complex screen but several users are familiar with the screens. This means that the users have used this type of screens and are familiar with such even without using them before.
6. Check Compatibility with Every Screen and Device
The smartphones are getting an update every day, and new products are introduced in the market. Therefore, when you are designing a mobile app you should check your design is compatible with the latest version in the smartphone. The same brand smartphones support different screen resolutions, sizes, and others. The layout of your app designs will move off the screens. For example, the screen resolution and size of the iPhone 8 varies with that of the iPhone 8 plus. Therefore, to provide consistency for every device your app designs need to scalable. The android development site is enabled with guiding tools for supporting multiple screens on the android device. They will help you to achieve the screen independence that will help your app to run and display according to the size and resolution of the screens.
7. Create Visual Designs
While designing your mobile app, you should focus on creating effective visual designs. This visual designs will help your app to improve the user’s experience by considering the shape, size, layout, color of the designs. Good visual designs ensure that the content is the center of attraction of the page and function. They also engage the users by developing interest and trust with your mobile app. The visual designs focus on the core principles and functions of your mobile app. Therefore, every small detail of your mobile app principles can play a significant role in designing effective user experience design.
8. Allow Users with Less Information
The basic requirement of every mobile app is to fill some basic details for signing. The subsequent filling of the information to log in to the mobile app will make the users frustrated with the process. As a result, the user loses their interest with your mobile app. Therefore, you should enable your mobile app with smart features like auto-filling that will be helpful for the user. If in case the user has forgotten their login details, then the auto-filling feature helps them to stay connected with your mobile app. You should enable the input making in your mobile app. That will help the users to remove the private information from your mobile app.
9. Consider the Cost
Preparing a budget for the mobile app is not an easy task. This is because the designing of a mobile app involves several tasks such as user research, competitive audit, user experience design, interaction design, mobile app interface design, graphic design, app icon, and logo design, and other tasks. Therefore, it is important to check the allocation of the cost at every level.