1 The Client

Client is University of Maryland, College Park. UMD runs a Together program under the Department of Family Science.

2 The Challenge

The TOGETHER Program team at UMD promotes strong couple relationships and stable finances foundation for the well-being of individuals, families, and communities. The Together Program team was running the program manually using excel sheets, emails, paper trails and other conventional methods to track the participants and the progress of the program. They did not have any digital platform to manage workshops and communicate to participants. They looked for local companies in Maryland who could understand their goals, mission and build a platform within their timeline and budget. They had a fixed budget and a timeline of 5 months to launch the platform, Simpalm teamed up with the Together Program team to launch the solution.

3 The Solution

We built a Web App and Mobile Apps.

Simpalm is one of the top web app development service provider, we designed and developed full scale mobile apps and web applications for the platform. Mobile apps are built for iOS and Android using native approach. Families in the program use the Together Program’s Mobile Application to follow the workshop coursework’s. Participants can sign into the app to view the documents, case studies, and other files, used to teach each lesson. The program administrators use the web app interface to manage workshops and lessons. The administrators can also use the web app to send notifications to participants.

Admin Web App Features

Team Management

  • A user with administrator access can add multiple team members in the application who would be conducting the workshops and managing participant cases. The admin can add users with administrator access or case manager access depending on the permissions required. The team management features allows the user to see the users of the application, their role, and the workshops they are assigned.

Workshop Management

  • Workshop management allows administrators and case managers to create, manage, and edit workshops. The user can create the workshop, add the workshop sessions, and assign a case manager. The user can manage the date and time each session takes place, the couples invited to participate in the workshop, and add workshop content for each session. The user can also send notification to users in a workshop. This allows the case manager to send reminders, tips, or resources to participants of a workshop.

Participant Management

  • Administrators and case managers can create participant profiles for the couples that will partake in a workshop. Each participant must be added as part of a couple. The user adds each participant by adding the name, email, and phone number of both people in the couple. The user can then add a couple to a workshop. When a couple is added to a workshop the couple can login to the web app or mobile app to see session details and get session content including activities, practice, and resources.

Content Management

  • Content management serves as a library for all the content that may be used in a workshop session. The user can upload many media types including, PDF, .mpf, .mp3, .jpeg, .pptx, and more. The user can pick and choose from these files to create content for each session specific to one topic.

Participant Web App Features


  • The participant can login to their account to keep up with the workshop sessions. Each participant in a couple has their own account. When logged in, the user can see all the workshop details including, workshop location, sessions, and case manager info. The user can view the content for each workshop. The content is categorized so the user knows what the content is used for.


  • The participant can see the notifications the case manager has sent out. The notification may include helpful reminders, resources, or tips that the participant may want to revisit.


  • The profile page allows the user to edit their profile and manage their app settings. This includes selecting the preferred language for the app.

Participant Mobile App Experience


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