1 The Client
AudiobookNow is a company headquartered in Northern Virginia. Company was started by the founders of BookLender.com to enter into the audiobook space.
2 The Challenge
Client had a very good web platform for its customers to download audiobooks and listen to them. Client had built mobile apps in 2010 using cross platform framework. The mobile apps built using titanium were performing poorly and lots of their customers were leaving them due to the poor design and performance of the apps. Users could not even perform several key functions like ability to speed up the audiobooks. There were issues with the Bluetooth headphones and phone audio players. Client reached out to Simpalm in 2012 to build the apps using latest native app approach to improve the performance.
3 The Solution
We Developed Native iOS and Android App
AudiobooksNow is an innovative book reading platform for users who love reading digital books. The AudiobooksNow is a whole new way to enjoy reading while road trip or long commute. Simpalm is leading iPhone app development company in the USA and has developed both iOS, Android and Nook app versions of AudiobooksNow with custom Audio Player and Book Narrator that make a story come alive to provide an enjoyable book reading facility. AudioBooksNow comes with large selection of bestselling and classic titles of famous digital books.